Thursday, February 4, 2010

Strawberry Smoothie with a twist...

Strawberry Smoothie

by Jodie Fitz

1 cup Price Chopper frozen strawberries
1 teaspoon Price Chopper vanilla extract
½ cup Price Chopper low fat milk
6 oz. Price Chopper vanilla yogurt
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoon Price Chopper honey
1 cup ice

Add all of the ingredients into the blender and blend away! I actually put the strawberries in the blender frozen and have found that it makes for a thicker and colder more milk shake like drink that has received a thumbs up from the kids in my family. However, you can thaw the strawberries in advance, which will give you a slightly sweeter drink. I use the freshly frozen, unsweetened strawberries for this recipe.

Healthy tip: use low fat and/or organic dairy products.