After school my kids went right for the pantry for a snack and after one granola bar I reminded them to add some fruit. Even though they had done the fruit selection at the grocery store, they suddenly weren't sure if that was what they were really in the mood to eat. So, I pulled out some kiwi and instead of the regular peel and slice, I cut it in half and served it with a fun spoon to eat. They thought it was a great way to eat a ripe kiwi, I was thrilled they added fruit to the after school snack menu and all it took was a fun spoon and a different serving method to make the difference. You never know what will inspire kids to create a new recipe or try a new food; you just have to keep on trying.
Raspberry Kiwi Blaster
By Jodie Fitz
½ Cup frozen raspberries thawed
1 kiwi
6 oz. vanilla yogurt
1/2 Cup milk
1 Cup ice
1T. honey
Cut off each end of the kiwi and remove the remaining rind using a potato peeler. Slice the kiwi and then cut t into small pieces. Place all ingredients into a blender, adding the honey last. Mix and serve. Makes 2 servings.
Kid tips: Let young children cut the kiwi into small pieces with a plastic knife. Let the kids chop the ice in the blender before adding the ingredients