I was just chatting with my friend the other day when I mentioned how I am constantly re-introducing foods to my kids and how low and behold one of them, who didn't, now likes Salmon. My friend had shared that she had read that taste buds renew themselves every 10 days. Hmm, interesting....so, I googled, I asked my doctor, I asked my dentist and I asked a registered dietitian. No one could confirm the exact timeline of taste bud renewal and there was conflicting information on the web, but what I could determine is that yes taste buds do change. The question is, when? I have decided it doesn't matter. I'm going with http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_often_do_taste_buds_change that says 10-14 days. It's the perfect reason to keep re-introducing foods in a short period of time. I kind of do this already, but now I can pass the blame on to those little taste bud culprits that constantly have to re-try and re-taste, because maybe they've changed their minds for those foods we want our kids to eat, but don't.