I've also added water to the chart to make sure that they have been drinking enough. Everyone has fallen into a pretty good pattern taking a water bottle to school and making it the first drink when they get home. The charts have just gone into effect and with a little incentive nugget waiting at the end of the week; I'm hopeful that they will be adding more fruits and vegetables throughout the day. I want them to be involved in the process so that the habit becomes theirs and not mine alone; after all parenting is ultimately about launching and letting go....I think!
Another quick breakfast idea to incorporate fruit that I learned from my friend;
1 Banana
2T. Peanut butter
Grape nut Cereal
Peel the banana and on one side spread 1 T. of peanut butter. Drizzle just a little bit of honey, sprinkle cinnamon and grape nuts on top. Turn the banana over and repeat the layers on the other side. Slice and serve with a fork. Two of my three kids love this concoction and it makes for an easy way to fit in two servings of fruit for a simple breakfast.