As my son sits next to me coughing from a recent cold he's fighting and I hear myself reminding him to cough into his elbow and not his hand; I'm reminded of how important it is to encourage kids to wash their hands before they help in the kitchen. It's important to always wash your hands before you cook all of the time, but this year seems to have us all on high alert. I don't know about where you live, but flu season has already hit our community and there is rumor that H1N1 is lurking along with a whole host of other viruses and germs to avoid. We have made washing hands a number one priority in our household with all of the concerns in the news and the alerts being sent home from school. Don't forget to remind your children to;
1. Wash their hands as soon as they get home from school.
2. Wash their hands before snacks and meals.
3. Wash their hands when they return from any public places.
4. And, always wash your hands before helping with any cooking in the kitchen.