Okay, this one is definitely worth a try on a snow day or any day before the snow melts. So, grab a little snow from what's left, pack it down good into a clean bucket/dish and get ready to try taffied syrup.
Ingredients Needed:
Pure Maple Syrup
Candy themometer
Place the maple syrup in a pan on the stove, and stirring consistently, boil the syrup until it reaches 235 degrees on the candy themometer. Pour it onto a clean, hard packed snow surface. As the syrup cools it forms into a taffied state. Break a piece that is hard and let it melt in your mouth. Definitely a fun experiment we learned while visiting a Maple Festival yesterday. We all sampled a lot of different products made with maple sugar and got a sneak peek at the the trees being tapped and the latest syrup collection process.
Did you know?!?!
* Canada is the largest Maple Syrup maker in North America
* Vermont produces the most Maple Syrup in the United States