I spent the day at the Price Chopper Health Fair, which took place at one of the Price Chopper locations in Colonie. It was a great event and I met a lot of people. I ended up making over 200 Mini Flower Pots with visitors at the event. The kids loved the treat! It's a great healthy dessert alternative for kids of all ages...
3 oz. Price Chopper Strawberry low fat/fat free yogurt
3 oz. Price Chopper Blueberry low fat/fat free yogurt
3 oz. Price Chopper fat free whipped topping
Mini fillo dough
Simply mix the yogurts and whipped topping together gently. Fill each fillo dough 1/2 full. Cut the strawberries into strips and place three of them into the fillo dough as flower pedals and one blueberry in the center. Whola...fun and delicious!
This recipe is great for classroom parties, birthdays or any time.