Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Trivia

Thanksgiving reminds me of the first feast with Pilgrims and Native Americans coming together to celebrate. There is an extensive history with this holiday. Did You Know?!?!
* That the first Thanksgiving lasted for three days! Wow, that was some kind of feast ...

* Although the first Thanksgiving took place in 1621 with the Pilgrims in Plymouth, it wasn't until 200 years later that Thanksgiving became a national holiday!

* Before President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving to be held annually on a specific day that Presidents before him called a national Thanksgiving whenever it was necessary and that sometimes there could be more than one Thanksgiving celebration in a year.

If you like fun facts and a little investigative fun, see if you and your family can find three states that have a city named Turkey in it. Or, to share fun facts as part of your holiday fun, hide a Thanksgiving fact underneath everyone's Gobble Up Dessert for family members to share.