Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lunch Time Fun...

I have to admit, I love the holidays!  They really just bring out the inner child in me and I can't help but to play with food to bring out the smile in my kids.  So, this morning I pulled out the pumpkin cookie cutter to make a sandwich for my youngest.  Once I had cut the bread I looked at the sandwich with disappointment, a pumpkin is lonely without expression, I thought.  So, into the pantry I went and out came the raisins to create a double sided sandwich for my daughter to show off at the lunch table.  She was very excited and yes, so was I.

When she came home from school later that day I couldn't wait to hear how the 'double sided, best pumpkin sandwich ever' had gone over at lunch time.  Her response, "Mom, don't ever do that again."  I was shocked; what six year old wouldn't love this sandwich?  She proceeded to explain, "When I pulled the raisins off it left yellow indents in my bread and really creeped me out!"  Oh, well that of course explains it all.  So, I asked, "What if I use chocolate chips next time?"  "Now that's what I'm talking about," was her response.

You just really never know...

A Cookie Cutter Tip: I will say, however, that when my youngest decided that sandwiches were boring, I did turn to cookie cutters and it has made a difference on her perspective about sandwiches at lunch.  Although I get creative with mixing up the lunch time options, it's still nice to have sandwiches to rely on; without creepy indent raisins of course.